Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Fasting: compulsion or improvement?

Surat Al-Baqarah [verse 256] :  There shall be no compulsion in [acceptance of] the religion.

'If only I had a will power I'd have achieved it...It's all my laziness...If only I could be better...', are the magic words that make our lifes easier, without any intention to change it. This article will explain you one dimension of fasting on me.

God has given Muslims a present, the reward of which even angels are not able to count. Rewards that would assist you even after your death and raise your rank among the whole humanity.
Not only that, but it also a chance  to improve ourselves for this worldly life and have what the most unsuccessful people do not have: discipline, determination, will power.

This is the month of Ramadan- ''Sultan of 11 month'.

 Each Muslim has his own story of fasting and the reasons for it, but allow me to explain on component which are compulsory to exist.

1.The magic of intention

Deed be it as huge as mountain of Jomolungma but without of intention of pleasing God it has no purpose.And I personally know that when a deed is done with an intention to please a human or with an expectation to get praise or anything in that line,it would always result in dissapointment, illusionary expectation  and accusations. Main reason is due to the fact that you are dealing with HUMANS.This word encompasses so much power and so much weaknesses.

So here you are  to fast 1 whole month from dawn until sunset, where you abstain from drinking, eating and intercourse-all of it should be only for Him-the Creator, not to loose weight, not because everyone around you does so-but because it is a command from your Creator.The magic that I feel of intention is that the more sincere is your intention the easier is to do the task. It does not matter how long is it to fast,or how hot is it outside, as long as God is pleased with me.With a clear and sincere goal, achieving it becomes a piece of cake.
We are always happy that Dato' XXX is pleased with our actions or when the faculty thinks high of us.But how about the creator of this Dato XXX and the creator of these faculty members,the creator of  the earth planet, the whole universe including stars, comets- is He pleased with you?

A paint has a painter, a machine has its constructor-and if I would be interested in details of painting the painter would have his answer ready or a constructor who has each detail of the wires, materials needed for improvement of this machine would know better what to do once machine is broken.A painter would not know what to do with machine, and constructor with painting. So is our body.
 It is a fact that the construction that our body has is not a mere coincidence.It is also a fact that there is body that is hurt and soul that aches or feels happy.So who is the constructor of this human body?Who is the god of the body?'Human himself',some answer'.How come there is still no cure for AIDS?How come you can not function without sleeping enough?Are you not all so powerful? How come you get hungry or thirsty after specific amount of time?How come you die when there is no supply of oxygen for only 3 minutes?Are you not the lord of your body?
Due to the fact that I can not answer following questions there is a higher power.Hence, there is a Creator for our body.
Absolutely Creator knows what is best for the body, like the constructor about machine and like the painter about painting.

There are virtues of fasting that change peoples' life, but now we will talk about Discipline.

A man without discipline is no one.So am I. Fasting thought me  to take control of my laziness,carnal desires.And I think that man can achieve nothing without ability to control mind and  heart.You are not born with the strength but you develop them.

30 days of perfect discipline- for your entire life,highly encouraged Monday and Thursday voluntarily fasting with mind, heart, eyes, ears- would definitely have the effect on your personality.

An interesting experiment was done in the 1960s at a preschool on the Stanford University campus when the ability of 4 year old to resist temptation was tested. A marshmallow was placed in a room and the children were told they could have the marshmallow immediately, or if they waited until tester had run an errand nd returned, then they could have two marshmallows. Some children waited for two marshmallows, while others ate one immediately.These same children were followed immediately.

Those who resisted temptation at 4 were now, as adolescents, more socially competent, personally effective, self-assertive, and better able to cope with the frustrations of life.The third or so who grabbed the marshmallow, however, tended to have fewer of these qualities and shared instead a relatively troubled psychological portrait. Even more surprising, those who have waited patiently at four were far superior as students to those who acted on whim. Most astonishingly, they has dramatically higher scores on their SAT tests. 

There is perhaps no physiological skill more fundamental than resisting impulse. it is the root of all emotional self-control, since all emotions, by their very nature, lead to one or another impulse to act.

And in conclusion, as it was said 'We will come to realization that sacrifices that we have done today are the greatest investments for tomorrow'....

Done by: Aimira Paiibek kyzy , Nurul and Zahra

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